
Eyes Never Lie
29 January 2021
Stooped low, almost in a crawl. His golden glare pins you to your spot.
His brow furrows. Listening. What does this charcoal and pastel portrait tell you about this boy? Why is he hiding in the shadows? What story is hiding within his gaze?
By combining light, contrast, and unusual colour choice, I create discordant emotions and exaggerate or change the subtext within this drawing.
The golden gaze grabs the viewers’ focus and highlights the boy’s curiosity. Or is it anguish? Or perhaps it hints at something dangerous or sinister?
What does this inspire in you? Concern and empathy? Trepidation? ‘Eyes Never Lie’ is my way of inspiring viewers to delve deeper and understand what influences their judgments of those around them.
Charcoal 2019