
How music inspires me
18 January 2021
Ok I admit it, I’m a head-banger at heart. A heavy-metal girl that just can’t get enough of those sweaty mosh pits. The thought of an upcoming guitar solo or double kick drumhas me salivating!
But it is not everyone’s cup of tea. And that is ok. When some people think of heavy metal music they might think of blood, gore, darkness and aggression. But not me. When I think of heavy metal music it brings me calmness and a bag full of inspiration. I can quite easily go to sleep listening to heavy metal. Trust me, I’m not a weirdo (ok maybe a little bit), but I have the science to back me up on this so just stick with me, ok?
Many scientific studies have proven that heavy metal helps calm people and it is good for your mental health. A 2015 study conducted by Leah Sharman and Dr. Genevieve Dingle from the University of Queensland’s School of Psychology found that ‘extreme music’ may actually “represent a healthy way of processing anger”.
The study showed many adults found heavy metal music brought inspiration and calmness. It helped regulate sadness while enhancing positive emotions. Makes sense, right? Just think back to when you were last feeling upset, sad, or angry. Would you rather listen to a “happy, upbeat” song or a “sadder” type song? Most will opt for the “sadder” song because you can connect emotionallywith the song. And by having an outlet like this helps you positively regulate your feelings.
So, this got me thinking. How do I create art and where does my inspiration come from? My inspiration can come from anything – an experience, a person, a feeling. When I am processing these thoughts or feelings, music helps me tune out of the world and tune into myself. The creative vision for my next piece is heavily influenced by the music I listen to and how it helped my decipher my inner self.
I also listen to music when creating art. They go hand in hand – we all know art and music is vital for wellbeing. And of course, my usual playlist consists of the heavy stuff. Music helps me surrender to the creative process, guiding not only my hand, but my whole self–to tap into the heart of my subject. I seem to go into a trance-like state when creating art. Sometimes I may “plan” to create something, but music takes over and something completely different comes out! When I create a piece of art I need to be inspired to do so, I need to be in the right state of mind. Music helps me get in the right mindset to create.
Most of my work is bright and colourful – not something you would normally relate to heavy metal music despite it blasting into my ears at the time. It is almost like you can see how heavy metal music has translated into that positivity I was referring to before!
Remember, at the end of the day, no matter what music you like, turn it up, sing along and dance around. Allow yourself to be completely free and inspired by the feelings it gives you. Rock on!
Source: ABC News 19 February 2018 “How heavy metal and head banging can help your mental health”